Συμμετοχή της Crowdpolicy στο Capital+Vision 2015 / Open innovation for SMEs
Η Ακαδημία Επιχειρηματικότητας στο πλαίσιο του πολυσυνεδρίου Capital+Vision 2015 σας προσκαλεί σε εκδήλωση με θέμα ανοιχτή καινοτομία & ενίσχυση της ανταγωνιστικότητας των μικρών επιχειρήσεων μέσα από την έρευνα.
Στην εκδήλωση θα παρουσιασθεί και το ευρωπαϊκό πρόγραμμα ανταλλαγής για επιχειρηματίες Erasmus Νέοι Επιχειρηματίες. Το πρόγραμμα Erasmus Νέοι Επιχειρηματίες βοηθά φιλόδοξους Ευρωπαίους Επιχειρηματίες να αποκτήσουν τις απαραίτητες δεξιότητες για να ξεκινήσουν και/ή να διευθύνουν με επιτυχία μία μικρή επιχείρηση στην Ευρώπη.
Η εκδήλωση θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 5 Νοεμβρίου 2015 και ώρα 12:30 – 2:30 μμ στην αίθουσα Σπέτσες στο ξενοδοχείο ATHENS LEDRA HOTEL
Στην εκδήλωση θα μιλήσουν
1. Δρ.Μαρία Γιαννακούρου – Επικεφαλής έρευνας, Ακαδημία Επιχειρηματικότητας
2. Γιώργος Καραμανώλης – Co-Founder & CTO/CIO, Crowdpolicy
3. Alessandro Carbone – Επικεφαλής κοινωνικής καινοτομίας, Ακαδημία Επιχειρηματικότητας
4. Αλίκη Αναγνώστη – Επικεφαλής Συνεργασιών, Ακαδημία Επιχειρηματικότητας
Την εκδήλωση θα συντονίσει η δημοσιογράφος Στέλλα Κάσδαγλη
Startup Success of Georgios Karamanolis (Crowdpolicy)
1) Can you give a brief description of what your company does?
Crowdpolicy was established in 2012 aiming to develop methodologies and information systems that utilize crowd in order to improve and co design processes, products and services. In recent years, we can observe a remarkable potentiality of web users’ active participation in shaping products, ideas and techniques. Crowdpolicy, literally, means that we contribute in shaping policy, in its wider sense, using crowd participation. The company develops services and solutions which utilize participation. Spotting problems at streets or illegal advertising signs, indicating corruption in the public sector or a door jamb’s imperfection, monitoring the government policy’s realization or a bank’s customer service are typical examples of the problems that we are called to deal with. We face all these problems creating the method, the platform for users participation since users are the final judges of the products and services produced. Crowdpolicy’s products address to both the public and private sector. They address to each organization aiming a sustainable manner to co-operate with customers, employees, sales network and suppliers. Advertisement is not a target of our products, their main target is an organization’s processes’ and products’ optimization and the creation of new ones which aim to fulfill the needs of the market. Therefore, the implementation of such methods is the organization’s improvement and of course its upgrade in the market. Users’ direct participation increases the company’s reputation and consequently the company’s advertising.
2) How did you come up with the idea behind your company?
Crowdpolicy was founded by highly experienced managers who also share the technical knowledge in computer science, communications and business organization in both the public and the private sector. Our company is staffed with persons which have worked on e-government, participatory democracy, monitoring the work of the government, electronic consultations (e-consultations), institutional re-organization etc. The company was established in 2012 by three associates. Their initial motivation included monitoring target realization, in a governmental level, using citizens’ participation. In other words, the ability of a citizen to evaluate himself different policies and their implementation, in order to measure the attainment degree of these goals. A government (or the administration) should be objectively judged and a principal criterion, in this direction, is punctuality in its commitments’ realization. We soon realized that all organizations face the same problem. Each organization needs improvement and, during the economic crisis that we live in, this improvement seems to be an indispensable element for building stable economies. Fortunately, we dispose new methods and tools in order to improve things. This can be confirmed from our products’ final users, they know better and we trust them for the most objective result. Our role is to bring together administrations, decisions and users. In the meanwhile, we have to notice that, in a global level, concepts as crowdsourcing, crowdworking, crowdfunding etc. are more and more in common, which means that the crowd has power and wisdom and that we can take advantage of it. That is exactly what we do.
3) What difficulties did you face getting your business started?
The bureaucracy and the processes demanded for founding and making a company sustainable is the bigger obstacle imposed by the State itself. Bureaucracy produces additional expenses (e.g. for accountants, lawyers etc.) that, generally speaking, cannot correspond to investments and development, expenses that only burden the company’s budget. Despite the economic situation in our country, if one offers something new, challenging and innovative, something that offers promises, he can also see development premises, that is funding, investors, co-operations.
4) What advice would you give to a recent ICT graduate who is thinking of starting their own company?
Do one thing perfectly, not 100 things poorly
Do what you love.
Demonstrate your worth before seeking investment
– See more at: http://younginnovator.eu/crowdpolicy/#sthash.gyAnRgKD.dpuf
Governing on Openness, Athens, Thessaloniki, Hong Kong, M. Psallidas
Governing on Openness / Athens, Thessaloniki, Hong Kong by Thanough on Mixcloud
Συζήτηση με τον Θανάση Πρίφτη στο Radiobubble.
#postSnowden_era (7:00)
We could understand the situation as parallel worlds, one where things appear normal and in order, another one with complicated relations where we have often to react proactively. It is important for citizens to act in favor of more open governance at all levels.
#Hong_Kong (11:30)
China and Hong Kong has an amazing dynamic, forms the center of a globalised economy. An experience of openness for companies acting there, in contradiction (?) with the political situation or labour conditions.
#Thessaloniki (16:30)
Open goverrnment as active participation, direct democracy, we have both the tools and methodologies to achive this. We need to built on the idea of «living differently» in all our life’s spectrum (public or private, business or civil) in order to understand their constant interconnections.
#business_models on open_data (25:10)
Discussing on the examples of brainbox.gr as a sharing bike service and infrastructure, in Greece and elsewhere, with a model of based on open / maps / geodata / APIs. A farmer association (venusgrowers.gr) applying open procedures, methodologies and «always change» management principles in a very succesful product.
#Athens (32:40)
The platform of synathina.gr of the Municipality of Athens aims to reinforce the exchange of practices, information and communication between volunteer groups. Over 50 volunteer teams express them in order to organise and disseminate actions. It is consists of an example moving form closed policies to active participation, citizen co-decision
#corporate_data (43:10)
Connect the need for open corporate data with a minimum set of data from corporations that use some kind of public resource be it money, debt, or natural resources. In general we need to look on problems and their solutions from a crowdsourcing perspective (the example of crowdpolicy.com) and try to invent and implement new business, participatory, models.
Source: http://liveradio.radiobubble.gr/