Governing on Openness / Athens, Thessaloniki, Hong Kong by Thanough on Mixcloud
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#postSnowden_era (7:00)
We could understand the situation as parallel worlds, one where things appear normal and in order, another one with complicated relations where we have often to react proactively. It is important for citizens to act in favor of more open governance at all levels.
#Hong_Kong (11:30)
China and Hong Kong has an amazing dynamic, forms the center of a globalised economy. An experience of openness for companies acting there, in contradiction (?) with the political situation or labour conditions.
#Thessaloniki (16:30)
Open goverrnment as active participation, direct democracy, we have both the tools and methodologies to achive this. We need to built on the idea of «living differently» in all our life’s spectrum (public or private, business or civil) in order to understand their constant interconnections.
#business_models on open_data (25:10)
Discussing on the examples of as a sharing bike service and infrastructure, in Greece and elsewhere, with a model of based on open / maps / geodata / APIs. A farmer association ( applying open procedures, methodologies and «always change» management principles in a very succesful product.
#Athens (32:40)
The platform of of the Municipality of Athens aims to reinforce the exchange of practices, information and communication between volunteer groups. Over 50 volunteer teams express them in order to organise and disseminate actions. It is consists of an example moving form closed policies to active participation, citizen co-decision
#corporate_data (43:10)
Connect the need for open corporate data with a minimum set of data from corporations that use some kind of public resource be it money, debt, or natural resources. In general we need to look on problems and their solutions from a crowdsourcing perspective (the example of and try to invent and implement new business, participatory, models.